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Schedule of Classes
On-Site Session 1: 14 August - 8 October
Misawa Air Base   DSN: (315) 226-8290

On-Site Session 1: 14 August - 8 October

Course Class No. Section Start & End Date Day Time Status Location
ARTH 204 Film and American Culture Studies (3)
An introductory study of the relationship between film and American culture. The objective is to improve one's ability to understand a film's message and to expand one's cultural awareness. Discussion covers the way one of our most popular media portrays American culture and influences our interpretation of cultural issues. Various films, filmmaking issues, and representative filmmakers' work are examined. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: AMST 204, ARTH 204, or HUMN 204.
86261 S301 11 Sep 24-08 Oct 24 F/M 1800-2100 Open Misawa Air Base
Faculty: Breckenridge, Adam G. Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 4 Week Hybrid Class; Live-Streaming (video-streamed from Yokota); meets Fridays and Mondays
EDCP 102 Integrated Skills for Academic Success (3)
The development of the academic and study skills needed for success in college-level coursework. The objective is to apply information literacy skills, reading comprehension strategies, note-taking methods, study skills, and critical thinking across various academic disciplines. Focus is on the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
86723 A301 15 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 Th/Tu 1900-2200 Closed Misawa Air Base
Faculty: Spachman, Christopher M. Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Blended Bridge Class; meets in-person Thursdays and Tuesdays; This is the third class in the bridge program for academic English
NUTR 100 Elements of Nutrition (3)
A study of the scientific and quantitative foundations of the applied science of human nutrition. The goal is to understand how nutrition reflects an integration across scientific disciplines and how foods provide important nutrients that provide substance and energy for healthy living. Topics include scientific reasoning, healthy meal planning, and weight management. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: NUTR 100 or NUTR 200.
86286 S301 14 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 W 1800-2100 Open Misawa Air Base
Faculty: Hornia, Armando Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 8 Week Hybrid Class; Live-Streaming (video-streamed from Yokosuka); meets Wednesdays
WRTG 112 Academic Writing II (3)
(The second course in the two-course series WRTG 111-WRTG 112. Fulfills the general education requirement in communications.) Continued practice in reading, writing, and critical thinking with an emphasis on research and argumentation. The goal is to implement strategies for analyzing ideas and rhetorical techniques in academic texts and for conducting academic research. Focus is on writing an argumentative research paper that synthesizes information and ideas from multiple sources and demonstrates critical thinking, varied rhetorical strategies, proper source documentation, and effective language use. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: ENGL 101, ENGL 101X, WRTG 101, WRTG 101S, WRTG 101X, WRTG 112, or WRTG 112X.
86297 A301 14 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 Th 1700-2000 Open Misawa Air Base
Faculty: Thurber, Diane L Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 8 Week Hybrid Class; Live-Streaming (video-streamed from Andersen); meets Thursdays
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