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Schedule of Classes
On-Site Session 1: 14 August - 8 October
Camp Zama

On-Site Session 1: 14 August - 8 October

Course Class No. Section Start & End Date Day Time Status Location
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
An introductory study of the macroeconomy. The objective is to apply select macroeconomic theories to real-world situations. Discussion covers economic growth, technological innovation, unemployment, inflation, and the roles of monetary policy and fiscal policy in determining macroeconomic performance. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: ECON 201 or ECON 205.
86270 S301 14 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 Tu 1800-2100 Open Camp Zama
Faculty: Johnson, James H. Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 8 Week Hybrid Class; Live-Streaming (video-streamed from Yokosuka); meets Tuesdays
JAPN 111 Elementary Japanese I (3)
For online sections, sound card, microphone, speakers and occasional synchronous work required. (Not open to native speakers of Japanese: assumes no prior knowledge of Japanese. Students with prior experience with the Japanese language should take a placement test to assess appropriate level.) An introduction to spoken and written Japanese language. The objective is to communicate in Japanese in some concrete, real-life situations using culturally appropriate language; read and write hiragana; and read some katakana words in context.
86278 A303 14 Aug 24-07 Oct 24 W/M 1800-2100 Open Camp Zama
Faculty: Kanai, Moriaki Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 8 Week Class; meets Wednesdays and Mondays; class will not meet 2 Sept
WRTG 111 Academic Writing I (3)
(The first course in the two-course series WRTG 111-WRTG 112. Fulfills the general education requirement in communications.) An introduction to reading, writing, and critical thinking in an academic setting. The goal is to practice strategies for understanding academic texts and for developing one's ideas in relation to those texts. Focus is on writing thesis-driven essays that incorporate ideas and information from sources and demonstrate critical thinking, proper attribution, and effective language use. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: WRTG 100A, WRTG 111, or WRTG 111X.
86293 A302 14 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 M 1800-2100 Open Camp Zama
Faculty: Jasny, Aaron P. Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 8 Week Hybrid Class; Live-Streaming (video-streamed to Atsugi); meets Mondays; class will not meet 2 Sept
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