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Schedule of Classes
On-Site Session 1: 14 August - 8 October
Yokosuka Naval Base   DSN: (315) 243-4613

On-Site Session 1: 14 August - 8 October

Course Class No. Section Start & End Date Day Time Status Location
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
An introductory study of the macroeconomy. The objective is to apply select macroeconomic theories to real-world situations. Discussion covers economic growth, technological innovation, unemployment, inflation, and the roles of monetary policy and fiscal policy in determining macroeconomic performance. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: ECON 201 or ECON 205.
86269 A301 14 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 Tu 1800-2100 Open Yokosuka Naval Base
Faculty: Johnson, James H. Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 8 Week Hybrid Class; Live-Streaming (video-streamed to Zama); meets Tuesdays
HIST 156 History of the United States to 1865 (3)
A survey of the United States from colonial times to the end of the Civil War. The establishment and development of national institutions are traced. The aim is to locate, evaluate, and use primary and secondary sources and interpret current events and ideas in a historical context. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: HIST 156 or HUMN 119.
86272 A301 14 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 M 1800-2100 Open Yokosuka Naval Base
Faculty: Harmon, David L. Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 8 Week Hybrid Class; meets Mondays; class will not meet 2 Sept
HIST 482 History of Japan to 1800 (3)
Prerequisite: A writing course. Recommended: WRTG 291. An examination of traditional Japanese civilization from the age of Shinto mythology to the late Edo period. The aim is to interpret, educate, and advise others based on a historical, cultural, and social awareness of traditional Japan.
86274 A301 14 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 W 1800-2100 Open Yokosuka Naval Base
Faculty: Jasny, Aaron P. Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 8 Week Hybrid Class; meets Wednesdays
NUTR 100 Elements of Nutrition (3)
A study of the scientific and quantitative foundations of the applied science of human nutrition. The goal is to understand how nutrition reflects an integration across scientific disciplines and how foods provide important nutrients that provide substance and energy for healthy living. Topics include scientific reasoning, healthy meal planning, and weight management. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: NUTR 100 or NUTR 200.
86285 A301 14 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 W 1800-2100 Open Yokosuka Naval Base
Faculty: Hornia, Armando Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 8 Week Hybrid Class; Live-Streaming (video-streamed to Misawa); meets Wednesdays
PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology (3)
A survey of the basic principles, research concepts, and problems in psychological science. The biological, cognitive, and social perspectives of human thought and behavior are addressed. The goal is to apply major concepts and use the scientific method to enhance the understanding of individual, community, and organizational life experiences. Topics include neuroscience, sensation and perception, learning and conditioning, memory, motivation, language and intelligence, personality and social behavior, and psychopathology and therapy. Applications of psychology are also presented. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: BEHS 101 or PSYC 100.
86287 A301 14 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 Th 1800-2100 Open Yokosuka Naval Base
Faculty: Harlow, Thomas F. Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 8 Week Hybrid Class; Live-Streaming (video-streamed to Iwakuni); meets Thursdays
SPCH 100X Foundations of Speech Communication (3)
(Enrollment restricted to students for whom English is a second language.) An overview of the principles of communication. Verbal and nonverbal language, listening, group dynamics, and public speaking are highlighted. Emphasis is on applying communication principles to contemporary problems and preparing various types of oral discourse. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: SPCH 100, SPCH 100X, SPCH 101, SPCH 107, or SPCH 108.
86784 A301 15 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 Th/Tu 1900-2200 Closed Yokosuka Naval Base
Faculty: Curtley, Henry H. Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Blended Bridge Class; meets in-person Thursdays and Tuesdays; This is the optional class in the bridge program for academic English;
STAT 200 Introduction to Statistics (3)
An introduction to statistics. The objective is to assess the validity of statistical conclusions; organize, summarize, interpret, and present data using graphical and tabular representations; and apply principles of inferential statistics. Focus is on selecting and applying appropriate statistical tests and determining reasonable inferences and predictions from a set of data. Topics include methods of sampling; percentiles; concepts of probability; probability distributions; normal, t-, and chi-square distributions; confidence intervals; hypothesis testing of one and two means; proportions; binomial experiments; sample size calculations; correlation; regression; and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: BEHS 202, BEHS 302, BMGT 230, ECON 321, GNST 201, MATH 111, MGMT 316, PSYC 200, SOCY 201, STAT 100, STAT 200, STAT 225, or STAT 230.
86606 A301 14 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 M 1800-2100 Open Yokosuka Naval Base
Faculty: Matsui, Tatsuki Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 8 Week Hybrid Class; meets Mondays; class will not meet 2 Sept
UMEI 030 Interpersonal Communications Skills (3)
(Does not apply toward degree requirements. Yields institutional credit only.) An advanced study of spoken English as a second language focusing on American English. Opportunities to discuss and write about cultural similarities and differences are provided.
86731 A301 15 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 Th/Tu 1900-2200 Closed Yokosuka Naval Base
Faculty: Watabe, Michiko Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Blended Bridge Class; meets in-person Thursdays and Tuesdays; This is the first class in the bridge program for academic English
WRTG 111 Academic Writing I (3)
(The first course in the two-course series WRTG 111-WRTG 112. Fulfills the general education requirement in communications.) An introduction to reading, writing, and critical thinking in an academic setting. The goal is to practice strategies for understanding academic texts and for developing one's ideas in relation to those texts. Focus is on writing thesis-driven essays that incorporate ideas and information from sources and demonstrate critical thinking, proper attribution, and effective language use. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: WRTG 100A, WRTG 111, or WRTG 111X.
86295 A303 14 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 Th 1800-2100 Open Yokosuka Naval Base
Faculty: Jasny, Aaron P. Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 8 Week Hybrid Class; meets Thursdays
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