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Schedule of Classes
On-Site Session 1: 14 August - 8 October
Camp Carroll   DSN: (315) 763-4168

On-Site Session 1: 14 August - 8 October

Course Class No. Section Start & End Date Day Time Status Location
HIST 156 History of the United States to 1865 (3)
A survey of the United States from colonial times to the end of the Civil War. The establishment and development of national institutions are traced. The aim is to locate, evaluate, and use primary and secondary sources and interpret current events and ideas in a historical context. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: HIST 156 or HUMN 119.
86378 S401 21 Aug 24-08 Oct 24 W 1800-2100 Open Camp Carroll
Faculty: Anthony-Van Orsdal, Anita M. Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Meets in-person; 7 Week Hybrid Class; Live-Streaming (video-streamed from Osan); meets Wednesdays
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