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Schedule of Classes

Course Class No. Section Start & End Date Day Time Status Location
GVPT 170 American Government (3)
A comprehensive study of government in the United States, including the basic principles of American government and political culture. The aim is to explain the vertical and horizontal structure of the American government and the roles of the three federal branches, bureaucracies, and the state governments; describe the development of the American political system and its impact on the political landscape; and explain the processes of the electoral system, political parties, and interest groups to persuade and influence. Institutions, processes, and public policies are examined from a cross-cultural perspective.
26500 A441 05 Feb 25-04 Mar 25 Th/Tu 1800-2100 Open Osan Air Base
Faculty: Anthony-Van Orsdal, Anita M. Syllabus Course Materials


Note: Blended 4-week hybrid class; meets on-site (at Osan with faculty present); connected via Zoom with an Asia Virtual section
KORN 111 Elementary Korean I (3)
(Not open to native speakers of Korean; assumes no prior knowledge of Korean.) An elementary study of Korean. Emphasis begins with oral communication skills and leads to balanced proficiency in the four communication skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Topics include basic structures, vocabulary, pronunciation, and culture, history, and geography. Authentic text from native speakers is used as much as possible. writing, as well as elements of culture, history, and geography. Authentic text from native speakers is used as much as possible.
26508 A445 15 Jan 25-03 Mar 25 W/M 1800-2100 Open Osan Air Base
Faculty: Shim, Woo-Ill Syllabus Course Materials
Note: 7-week class; meets on-site; class will not meet 20 Jan and 17 Feb
SPCH 100 Foundations of Oral Communication (3)
For online sections, access to a broadband internet connection, use of a digital camera capable of recording 10-minute videos, and the ability to save and transfer video to a hosting site required. (Fulfills the prerequisite for all upper-level SPCH courses.) An introduction to oral communication, with emphasis on interpersonal communication, small-group communication, and public speaking. The objective is to prepare speeches, provide feedback to others, and participate in group activities. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: SPCH 100, SPCH 100X, SPCH 101, SPCH 107, or SPCH 108.
26517 S441 15 Jan 25-04 Mar 25 Tu 1800-2100 Open Osan Air Base
Faculty: Concilus, Francis W. Syllabus Course Materials
Note: 7-week hybrid class; meets on-site; connected via Zoom from Humphreys (host site with faculty present) to Osan
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