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Schedule of Classes
Asia Virtual Classes: 15 January - 4 March

Asia Virtual Classes: 15 January - 4 March

Note: Available for Asia-Wide Enrollment

Course Class No. Section Start & End Date Day Time Status Location
LIBS 150 Introduction to Research (1)
An introduction to the research process and methods for retrieving information in a library or through online sources. The aim is to identify an information need and locate, evaluate, and use appropriate resources in keeping with academic integrity and ethical standards. Focus is on implementing effective strategies for finding relevant information--including selecting appropriate print and electronic sources and effectively using web search engines and the UMGC Library's electronic resources to find information--and evaluating and correctly citing the information found. Students may not earn credit for LIBS 150 through challenge exam or portfolio credit and may receive credit for only one of the following courses: COMP 111, LIBS 100, or LIBS 150.
27444 A441 01 Feb 25-09 Feb 25 Sa 0900-1630 Open Camp Humphreys
Faculty: Anthony-Van Orsdal, Anita M. Syllabus Course Materials
Note: Newly Added! 9-day hybrid class; meets on-site; meets Saturday, 1 Feb
GVPT 170 American Government (3)
A comprehensive study of government in the United States, including the basic principles of American government and political culture. The aim is to explain the vertical and horizontal structure of the American government and the roles of the three federal branches, bureaucracies, and the state governments; describe the development of the American political system and its impact on the political landscape; and explain the processes of the electoral system, political parties, and interest groups to persuade and influence. Institutions, processes, and public policies are examined from a cross-cultural perspective.
27616 A741 05 Feb 25-04 Mar 25 Th/Tu 1800-2100 Open Asia Virtual Classes
Faculty: Anthony-Van Orsdal, Anita M. Syllabus Course Materials
Note: Newly Added! Asia Virtual 4-week hybrid class; connected via Zoom from Osan; available for Asia-wide enrollment (meeting times JST/KST); VA students: this class is certified as distance learning
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